Website Summary Complaint Handling Procedure
Spreadex Limited (“Spreadex”)’s commitment to providing a high standard of service to our clients is paramount however we do recognise that, from time to time, clients may have cause to complain about the services we provide to them. Where a complaint is received from a client, we will do all that we can to ensure that it is promptly and fairly investigated through our Internal Complaints Procedure. Wherever possible, the complaint will be resolved, and a response provided to you at the earliest opportunity.
Spreadex is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in respect of its Sports and Financial Spread betting products and services, and by the UK Gambling Commission in respect of its fixed odds products.
This summary outlines our internal complaint handling processes which may vary depending upon the products or services to which your complaint relates.
How to make a complaintIf you have a complaint relating to any of Spreadex’s services, please provide details of your complaint using the below contact details:
For complaints relating to Sports Betting: 08000 526 575
For complaints relating to Financial products: 08000 526 570 or
For general complaints please contact Customer Services on 01727 895000, or email [email protected]
Should your complaint relate to a perceived regulatory breach the firm’s Compliance Department can be contacted via email [email protected]
The firm can also be contacted by post at the following address: Spreadex Ltd, Churchill House, Upper Marlborough Road, St Albans, AL1 3UU
To enable us to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible, please provide us with the following information:
Time Limits for handling complaints
Once we receive a complaint, we will endeavour to resolve it as fairly and as quickly as possible, either informally or formally.
Informally resolved complaints
If a client makes a complaint to us that we can resolve informally within three business days of the complaint being received, we will issue a Summary Resolution Communication (SRC) which will include the following content which has been prescribed by either the FCA or the UK Gambling Commission.
Formally resolved complaints
If your complaint relates to an FCA related product or services, where we are unable to resolve the complaint informally, we will be following the formal “eight week process” as follows:
If at the end of the eight week period, and Spreadex has not yet issued a final response, it will issue a response to you which explains why, and when we are likely to be able to, and informs you that you are able to refer the complaint to the FOS or IBAS, and we will provide you with details of either the FOS or IBAS.
Independent ArbitrationIf you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you are able to refer it to: -
You can learn more about the Financial Ombudsman Service on their website at .
Please contact Spreadex should you wish to receive this document in an alternative form, e.g.: paper copy or by email.
[email protected]
General Enquiries:
+44 (0)1727 895 000
Sports Desk:
08000 526 575
+44 (0)1727 895 090